How to choose the right size chandelier?
The number one question we get asked: How low should my chandelier hang over my dining table?
The number two question we get asked: What should the diameter my chandelier be over my dinging table?
A good place to start is with the bottom of the chandelier at 5 feet off the floor or 24 to 36 inches above your table. However, this is subjective. As table size, room size and the feel of your chandelier may affect how low you want your chandelier. More delicate chandeliers might be lower, while heavier/bulkier chandeliers might be higher.
Have your electrician hold it up or hang it up BEFORE wiring (before they cut the wires) and review it within your space.
As for the width (which is also subjective) Choose a chandelier that is 6" narrower than the smallest width of the dining table.
You may want to do a cardboard cut out for size before making an online purchase.